


Shopping centres

Lots of new shopping centres have been established in the past few years. Lots of efforts are made to get tenants. The owners spend an abundance of resources in order to get tenants in their house; therefore the inner climate and small expenses are crucial. The state of the inner climate (heating, cooling) and the amount of operating costs are immediately related to the technical state of the systems given.

Since various metals (sheet metal/cast iron – radiators, steel – pipeline, copper – heat exchanger) are used in closed systems (heating, cooling), sediment forms as a result of electrochemical corrosion (various metals reacting mutually), irrespective of the fact whether common consumer water, chemical water or glycol is used, depositing in the pipelines, radiators, heat exchangers, fan coils, cooling panels, etc. It’s a sticky blackish mass forming an insulating layer in the system, heating/cooling through which will increase operating costs considerably. Clogging temperature controllers and various valves are a major issue. Cases where clogging occurs in new buildings in mere months after putting into commission aren’t rare. In such a case it’s impossible to adjust the temperature of certain rooms, it’s cold in winter and too hot in summer. The situation in ventilation heating circuits is especially poor. Particularly much sediment forms there.

The most efficient and modern solution to these problems is electromagnetic water treatment based on Bauer technology affecting minerals solved in the water, preventing the formation of scale and corrosion. After the installation of the device no soot will deposit in the pipes, radiators, heat exchangers or on any other surfaces in contact with water/glycol. Also sediment formed earlier will start softening and coming off the surface as a result of the treatment. All any other parts of the system where water or any other heat transfer fluid circulates will become clean. The load on the circulation pumps will drop, there’s no need any more to execute the flushing of the systems, the maintenance and repairs costs and expenses on both heating energy and cooling will drop considerably. An average saving of heating costs is 12.5%.

Installing the Bauer device is easy and won’t interfere with the daily operation of the centre. The Bauer electromagnetic device with a special filter separating the aforementioned sediment from water/glycol will be installed in the boiler room of the building. Regular time for the filling of the filter after the installation of the Bauer device is 3-4 months. Once the system is cleaned, one filter element per heating period will be enough. For example, in the Stockmann Centre located in Tallinn there are 5 heating circuits. Bauer equipment was installed there in 2007 and the first filters filled in four months.

As far as we know, a layer of sediment of 0.2 mm will cut down the efficiency of a heat exchanger by up to 40%! For the efficient transmission of thermal energy, it’s necessary to keep the heat exchanger clean.
The Bauer electromagnetic water treatment device will allow the owner of the building to considerably cut down the heating, cooling and maintenance costs, since:

  • it’s possible to heat at a lower temperature – the insulating layer (sediment) will have been removed from the radiators
  • when heating at a lower temperature, heat losses in the cellars, trunk lines and ducts will be smaller
  • the heat exchanger will be working efficiently
  • the cooling panels and fan coils will operate more efficiently
  • the heating and cooling system will be balanced and working as designed
  • the circulation pump will have no additional load – lower power costs
  • the need to flush the system annually will have disappeared
  • the errors and problems will disappear
  • the lifespan of the system will prolong by 2-3 months

Finnish Talokeskus OY conducted a survey during which the heating costs of 100 buildings before and after the installation of the Bauer device were monitored. It became evident from the survey that after the installation of the Bauer device (system cleaning) the heating costs had dropped by 4-21%.


Read more on scale issues and solutions HERE .

Bauer equipment will pay off in an extremely short period of time. Contact us, we’ll come and take a look at your systems and also make a price bid and a cost-benefit calculation as required.

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