

Energy audit

An energy audit is part of the examination of the condition of the building, which should establish the energetic and technical conditions of building and, at the same time, give the owner of the building advice concerning rendering the building more energy saving. The energy saving of the building is highly influenced by the conditions of the heating, cooling and hot water systems.

All closed systems will develop SEDIMENT!
Since different metals are used in both heating systems and cooling systems, sediment will form as a result of electrochemical corrosion. That black soot will form irrespective of the fact whether the system uses regular water, the so-called chemical water obtained from the district heating utility line or glycol. It will deposit in the pipelines, radiators, heat exchangers, etc, or anywhere in the system, forming an insulating layer. As a result of it, the system is out of balance, the heat exchangers and radiators and floor heating pipeline will clog. According to the manufacturers of heat exchangers, sediment of 0.2 mm will cut down the efficiency of a heat exchanger by up to 40%!!!

A major issue in the case of two pipe systems is the “sticking-in”, or clogging, of temperature controllers fitted on the radiators. For example, in the apartment block located at Paldiski mnt 171 (the Been Project), the controllers clogged in the second heating period already. We installed a Bauer electromagnetic device there in the summer of 2009 and the filter removing sediment filled in four months, even though a mere two years had passed since the renewing of the heating system. According to Kredex, heating expenses in the building decreased by 15% in 2009 owing to Bauer equipment and no other repairs to the building were made, compared to the previous years.

An average SAVING when using Bauer technology was 12.5% , which ought to be taken into account when performing energy audits.

In the case of questions, please call 6535777 or write info@bauer.ee .

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